About this

Dear reader,

This is not a book/blog where you can find mystical teachings nor wise knowledge, this is a book that tells my experiences listening to different drunken stories across different bars around the world.
Let me clarify. Possibly, similar to you, I have simple and unpretentious passions in life. You know: family, football, photography, food, traveling and drinks. For this three first concepts, we already have numerous authors, spaces and information to read about. However, my inference is we need more acumens about the last two. After all, we dedicate an important portion of our lives to these but also, a significant part of our good memories and experiences are linked to these “hobbies” (I feel more comfortable by naming them as such).
So, in essence. This book talks about, well… my vast experience earned by traveling and drinking. Visiting bars and listening the most interesting, wild, clever and misunderstood stories from smashed people from random taverns. Don’t get me wrong, you will gain wisdom, indeed, is just happens is coming from drunk people.
More times than the ones I would which, alcohol took advantage from me. There is something that frees you to say what you wouldn’t under different circumstances. Today, I’m taking advantage from Alcohol for a change.
I’m going to tell the raw true stories from sloshed, after all, drunks do not lie, or yes? You are welcome to judge.


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